surf spot MAP of mal pais, santa teresa & Cabuya

Best vacation rentals near the best Surf SPots in Mal Pais & Playa Carmen

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Mal Pais, Santa Teresa & Cabuya Surf Spot Guide.


This is where Pacific Azure vacation rentals are located, we are next to Playa Mal Pais. (see map above).

2. Playa carmen

Playa Carmen is a very consistent beach break, it breaks literally all year round. The great thing about this beach break is that it's got many peaks spread out along approximately 2 km / 1.2 miles of sand.

See more surf shots and read more about Playa Carmen >

Playa Carmen is a very consistent beach break. Pictured here early morning high tide.

Playa Carmen, Costa Rica - Dry season and going off!

3. PLAYA santa teresa - La LORA

Description: La Lora is also a super consistent beach break. it's almost impossible to see this place go flat, it literally breaks 365 days a year. Santa Teresa is a bowly wave, that packs way more punch than Playa Carmen.

See more surf shots and read more about Playa Santa Teresa >

Clean fun surf! Santa Teresa, Costa Rica

Playa Santa Teresa, Costa Rica

4. PLAYA HERMOSA - north end of santa teresa

Description: Playa Hermosa (not to be mistaken with the one in Jaco) is located on the northern end of Santa Teresa and is in the same swell window, making it a very consistent beach break as well. The great thing about this beach break is that it's ideal for beginners and super fun for experienced surfers as well. On any given day you'll find several surf schools pushing their students on the inside into some fun surf. Have no worries, this is also a vast beach and has many peaks to choose from, the northern end of this beach has some rock formations that sometimes almost work like a north jetty. Overall super fun beach break.

Crowd: Can get a bit busy with the surf schools and beginners especially between Jan-April.
Ideal Wave Height: This spot works from knee high to way over head. I have surfed it fun at waist high and excellent when it's overhead and barreling.

Playa Hermosa, on the north end of Mal Pais and Santa Teresa.

Playa Hermosa, on the north end of Mal Pais and Santa Teresa.

5. Cabuya - Rio Lajas & Cedros

Description: Lajas is a rock bottom river mouth that works almost like a perfect right hand point break. Because Lajas and Cedros are located on the other side of the Peninsula they tend to be more fickle. On mid size to large South swells both spots will break and can get very good. The great thing about these spots is that when the winds are onshore on the Mal Pais and Santa Teresa side you can find clean surf here. Lajas is best surfed on high tides mostly because you'll save your self the reef dance going and out of the water, but it is surfable on low tide as well.

Crowd: Lajas can get very busy but it can handle the crowd since there are several take off zones. The same can not be said about Cedros. It can get busy as well but the take off zone is focused more one spot.
Ideal Wave Height: Both spots that can be surfed from waist high to way overhead.
X-Fator: On low tide be ready to do the reef dance at Lajas and on big South swells there is a good amount of rip current. Cedros is an easy in and out.
Tip: If it's big onshore and closed out in Mal Pais and Santa Teresa good chance you'll find some clean waves here.

A small day at Playa Cedros, Cabuya.

6. Mal Pais and Santa Teresa Reef Breaks

One of the nicest things about our coastline is that once the swell gets well overhead and the beach breaks start shutting down there are several reef breaks that can hold the size. We have several outer reefs around here that break to perfection pretty much on any size.

Mal Pais / Santa Teresa Outer Reef

Local Surf Shops

Kina Surf Shop

Great high performance shortboard selection & accessories.

NalU Surf Shop

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